Regular price $35.00

Näak Ultra Energy™ science was developed to meet the specific needs of ultra endurance Athletes. The idea is simple: the ingestion of a few macronutrients such as carbohydrates and electrolytes is not enough to fuel ultra distances. After a few hours of effort, you need a complete nutrition approach to go farther, longer.

Gastro intestinal issues are the first cause of DNF* in ultra trail.

Gastrointestinal symptoms affect 85% of Ultra-Trail runners and are the leading cause of DNF, or "Did Not Finish" (23%).*

In 2016, we discovered that ultra distance athletes were bonking because they were using products that were inadequate:

  • use of products made for short to medium distances
  • lack of protein and overuse of sugar that leads to energy crashes and guts problems
  • unsustainable ingredients that harm the environment

At Näak, we launched a range of new products specifically made for ultra distance that helps athlete perform with no gastro-intestinal discomfort.

Fuel your ultra distances with Ultra Energy™ in a liquid form. Brings you 250 calories per 500ml of water.A 720g bag will make a total of 10 portions of 500ml or 5L of drink mix.
Made with 11% of upcycled ingredient, fast-acting and easy to ingest, this refreshing flavor will accompany you in all your runs